Conscientious Objection

Ch: You can bring on your marching bands, put on your uniform,

Buttons and boots gleaming bright in the sun

I see you dreaming of victory with hopes for a better world

You say you’re fighting for your country, family and friends.


I stand here in the dock in April 1917

To witness the injustice and futility of war

Your Law has no moral ground, and Orders can’t bind me

I am not a soldier and so plead ’not guilty’. Continue reading “Conscientious Objection”

Labour Party: 10 Pledges … ~feeling excited that we have something special to offer

Pledge 1: FULL EMPLOYMENT: We will create a million good quality jobs across our regions and nations, and guarantee a decent job for all. By investing £500 billion in infrastructure and industry, backed up by a publicly-owned National Investment Bank and regional banks, we will build a high skilled, high tech, low carbon economy to ensure that no one and no community is left behind.

We will invest in the high speed broadband, energy, transport and homes that our country needs and allow good businesses to thrive, and support a new generation of co-operative enterprises.