Toast and Marmalade
You know how we hear news about other people’s distress but don’t know what to do to make a real difference … that’s what this is about. It came after I saw some footage of two small children in a tent in Aleppo, Syria and they stayed with me.
Black Annis’s Bower – a poem by John Heyrick
Continue reading “Black Annis’s Bower – a poem by John Heyrick”On a Cave called Black Annis’s Bower
Being an answer to a very young lady’s enquiries about the story of Black Annis
Where down the plain the winding pathway falls
Read on …
From Glenfield Vill to Lester’s ancient walls,
Nature or Art with imitative power,
Far in the glenn has placed Black Annis’ Bower.
Who is Black Annis
There is a jumble of thoughts about his below, and I will throw more at the page as I find it.
I go with the idea of Black Annis being a shape-shifting time traveller myself.
It is thought that the earliest written reference to Black Annis was from the eighteenth century, from which a title deed referred to a parcel of land as “Black Anny’s Bower Close”.[3] Continue reading “Who is Black Annis”
Black Annis – what did she look like
Black Annis has been variously described as:
A one eyed wizened blue-faced crone or witch , with immensely strong with long white or yellow sharp tearing teeth, long black iron claws, and nocturnal hag with a taste for humans (especially children) and lambs.[1] Even thinking about her can cause madness. Continue reading “Black Annis – what did she look like”