Syrian refugees – what is happening?

Syria Regional Refugee Response: Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal:

Refugee Council:  Over recent weeks members of the public have been sending a clear message to the UK Government: refugees are welcome here.  We’ve been extremely humbled by all of your offers to support the Refugee Council. There are lots of ways you can help. Here’s how:

Local Government Association: Refugees:  A one-stop resource for councillors and council officers to answer any questions you might have about taking in refugees. This includes regional contacts, where to direct residents offering housing and our media statements, amongst other resources.

We will continue to update these resources as more information comes through – keep checking this page to stay up to date.

Where do we go for more information?

Local authorities should contact their regional Strategic Migration Partnership officer (who coordinates local refugee networks) for more advice – contacts below. Do look for updates from the government here: Government announcements page on

We are awaiting more information from Government on how any scheme for resettling Syrian refugees will be run and funded. We will update this page as we receive more information.

– See more at:

Westminster Council