Vasiliki Scurfield calls for action after her son Kosta died in action with YPG in Syria

2015 March 17 Kosta 4Vasiliki Scurfield said: I would like to start by taking this opportunity to thank the Kurdish people from the Rojava region for looking after my son and honouring him and for their support in his repatriation and the financial assistance they’re giving us for this. Continue reading “Vasiliki Scurfield calls for action after her son Kosta died in action with YPG in Syria”

Federica Mogherini: Please don’t let the Mediterranean be a graveyard for migrants.

Avaaz MediterraneanTo the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Federica Mogherini, We call on you urgently to reinstate a comprehensive search and rescue operation for migrants in the Mediterranean and to ensure that the treatment of all migrants is based on the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

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QARN response to the APPI into immigration detention

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Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network – QARN: response to the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Immigration Detention Report released 3 March 2015

‘We detain a lot of people, some for a very long time, all with huge uncertainty, and we have very limited processes for individuals to challenge that detention’.

‘Crucially, this panel believes that little will change by tinkering with the pastoral care or improving the facilities. We believe the problems that beset our immigration detention estate occur quite simply because we detain far too many people unnecessarily and for far too long. The current system is expensive, ineffective and unjust.’ Continue reading “QARN response to the APPI into immigration detention”